Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Leadership Activity: SESAC Latin Music Digital Summit at the 2009 Winter Music Conference

One of the advantages I had while I was working as an intern in the Recording Academy office was that they were very close with other industry organizations and when they had events and needed volunteers or where in need of some help in their offices they would let us know.

This was the case with the performing rights organization SESAC. Their offices in Miami, FL are located blocks away from the Recording Academy offices so it was easy to volunteer my time in both places when needed.

The first event I volunteered at was the SESAC Latin Music Digital Summit at the 2009 Winter Music Conference. This was a two part event. I was in charge of the registration table at the event. The first half was a panel discussion with the leading top executives of the Digital Latin Music Industry. Following the panel, there was a showcase with performances from SESAC Latina local artists. The event took place at the Gibson Showroom in Downtown Miami.

I was glad that I was able to take part of this event since I was able to learn from experts the latest digital mediums to promote and sell music now days. I am the type of consumer of music that i download my music from iTunes and that panel opened my eyes to other digital venues artist may use to promote their music. This was great information to have specially when I was in classes like Product and Artist Management where we needed to think of different and new ways to promote and sell an artist product.

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